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Will Chemists in Inverurie has been established in the town now for over 30 years, during which time the company has provided an acknowledged, first rate pharmaceutical service widely appreciated by the general public, local business and surrounding Health Centres.

Since September 2006, as an adjunct to providing Private and NHS influenza vaccinations, and following on from a successful pilot project for NHS Grampian, a full Travel Clinic has been provided which has been benefiting the public and business where travel vaccinations can be prescribed and administered by our trained pharmacists. Anti-malaria medication is also available without the need for a GP prescription. This has been particularly beneficial where quick access to a travel service is necessary or where the usual GP appointment system has been difficult to access. This also avoids private consultation fees levied by some clinics.

Book your appointment with Will Chemists today

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We currently have five pharmacists who can prescribe and administer travel vaccinations and anti-marlaria medication. In addition, the pharmacists have undergone the course in travel health, Travel-Health Related Education and Care (TREC). Supported and approved by Health Protection Scotland and NHS Grampian, a course popular with General Practitioners and Nurses involved in the provision of travel health services. Having completed the course, the pharmacists now have access to website which continually updates worldwide travel requirements as advised by the World Health Organisation (WHO). The pharmacists also update on an annual basis their training for anaphylaxis treatment.

In 2015 we trained and registered as a Yellow Fever Centre and can provide the necessary advice, vaccine and internationally recognised Yellow Fever Certificate.



We have appointments available most days, including Saturdays, and are particularly suited to the last-minute traveller. Contact us by email or phone to arrange an appointment. It is best if you can take a vaccine history with you to your appointment, but if you do not have one, we can still accommodate.

What are the costs?


We do not charge any consultation or administration charge, therefore the costs is as per shown on the price list.

Recently, we have been assigned as an NHS vaccine site for travel. This means that we can provide specific vaccines free-of-charge - funded by the NHS. NHS eligibility stipulates that the first appointment must be at least 6 weeks before travelling. Other NHS terms may apply.

Prescribed vaccinations and medication supplied by our Travel Clinic are exempt from UK VAT.

Price Lists

Anti-malaria Medication Cost
Atovaquone & Proguanil Generic Malarone | Cost per tablet £2.50
Avloclor Chloroquine 250mg tablets | Cost per 20 tablets £15.00
Doxycycline 100mg capsules | Cost per capsule £1.00
Malarone Cost per tablet £2.50
Malarone Paediatric Cost per tablet £1.25

Malarone (and its generic) is usually taken once daily, starting 24 hours before entering the malarial zone, during the stay and continued for one week on leaving.

Doxycycline is taken daily, starting up to one week before entering the malarial zone, during stay and continued for four weeks on leaving.

Avloclor is taken once weekly, on the same day each week, starting one week before entering the malarial zone and continued for four weeks on leaving.

In most cases, the exact quantity required can be supplied and our pharmacist can calculate this for you.

Vaccines Cost
Consultation Only Risk-assessment/Advice £50.00 *NHS see below
Tetanus, Diptheria, Polio Revaxis £40.00 *NHS see below
Typhoid Typhim Vi £40.00 *NHS see below
Hepatitis A Avaxim/Havrix £60.00 *NHS see below
Hepatitis A Paediatric £60.00 *NHS see below
Hepatitis B (Adult/Paediatric) Engerix/HBVaxPro - Three doses required, cost per dose £40.00
Meningitis ACWY Nimenrix £70.00
Rabies Rabipur - Three doses required, cost per dose £90.00
Tick-Borne Encephalitis Three doses required, cost per dose £70.00
Cholera Dukoral - TWO doses required, cost per dose £50.00 *NHS see below
Japanese Encephalitis Ixiaro - TWO doses required, cost per dose £100.00
Yellow Fever Stamaril £80.00

*subject to conditions, this vaccine/service may be funded by the NHS, therefore free from charge